"Relationship of TNF-α Gene Polymorphism with fat-tail Me | 3338

Journal de biologie et monde d'aujourd'hui

ISSN - 2322-3308


"Relationship of TNF-α Gene Polymorphism with fat-tail Measurements (fat-tail dimensions) and wool weights in fat-tail Makooei breed of Iranian sheep"

Masoud Negahdary, Sahar Majdi, Parisa Biabani, Abbas Hajihosseinlo

"The assay of applicant genes based on physiological results is a notable tool to detect genes to be effected in marker-assisted choice methods. The current assay was executed to determine relation between TNF-α gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) with fattail Measurements (fat-tail dimensions) and wool weights in makooei sheep. DNA was extracted from the whole blood samples collected from 100 sheep. PCR products were subjected to SSCP denaturation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the measured makooei sheep populace, definitive calculational outcomes were determined in Fat thickness as well as wool weight in one year characteristics. Estimate of associations genotypes with fat-tail calculations wool weights were appeared with 100 samples Individuals with the T1 and T3 genotype of TNF-α gene Individuals with the T1and T3 genotype of TNF-α gene had dominance Fat thickness (The thick rump) and wool1 when contrasted to those of individuals with difference genotypes respectively (P <0.05). These consequences displayed that TNF-α gene could be a genetic position or bound to a major gene that definitively influences growth as well as the fore-mentioned economic characteristics in sheep."