Intraoperative Scrape Cytology of Ovarian Clear Cell Carcino | 105306

Rapports de cas d'oncologie et de cancer

ISSN - 2471-8556


Intraoperative Scrape Cytology of Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma

Deepthi Bala*, Sreelekha Appasani, Rukmangadha Nandyala and Aruna Kumari Prayaga

Intaroperative frozen section is a widely used and important aspect of surgical pathology in dealing with ovarian masses and guides the oncologist in planning optimal treatment protocols and strategies. There are limited data regarding the diagnostic accuracy of frozen section in specific subtypes of ovarian neoplasia. Intraoperative cytology has been in vogue and can be used as a reliable and rapid alternative procedure to arrive at a preliminary rapid diagnosis. This manuscript elucidates and details the intraoperative scrape cytological features of ovarian clear cell carcinoma which permits correct, rapid diagnosis and thereby facilitates optimal surgical management. The cytological analysis of scraping samples of ovarian tumours can make a precise intraoperative cytological diagnosis in most cases of CCC of the ovary and has a complementary role in the intraoperative assessment of ovarian neoplasia and provides a more specific diagnosis in cases of ovarian clear cell carcinomas.

Intraoperative scrape cytology is a rapid reliable, cost-effective and good complementary method to traditional frozen sections to arrive at a preliminary rapid diagnosis, especially in resource-poor settings and aids in arriving at a specific diagnosis in certain situations and helps in further surgical management.