Valgus Extension Overload Syndrome: Review | 54893

Journal de l'arthrite

ISSN - 2167-7921


Valgus Extension Overload Syndrome: Review

Anant Singh

Valgus extension overload syndrome of the elbow is common among
throwing athletes and commonly results from repetitive valgus torque
and deceleration across the elbow occurring during the late acceleration
and early follow-through phases of the throwing motion. Non-operative
treatment consisting of rest, anti-inflammatory medicine, correction of
improper throwing mechanics, and a rehabilitation program to strengthen
and coordinate the muscles should be tried first. Failure of non-operative
treatment is an indication for open or arthroscopic removal of osteophyte
and posteromedial decompression. Literature is divided regarding amount
of olecranon resection to be done in posteromedial decompression but still
it goes more in favor of removing only osteophytes in VEO syndrome.