article de recherche
Adamski Natalia, Rost Barbara, Di Gallo Alain, Schmeck Klaus, Opwis Klaus, Weber Peter and Penner Iris-Katharina
article de recherche
Kerstin Wentz and Trevor Archer
article de recherche
Maria-ElenaOsiceanu and Åtefania Zaharescu
Mini examen
Trevor Archer
article de recherche
Christian Jacobsson, Linnea Nissling, Lisa Skår and Trevor Archer
Communication courtoise
Claudia Iacobacci
Critique de livre
Patrick Casement
article de recherche
Elqerenawi AY, Abdel Aziz Thabet and Vostanis P
article de recherche
Christopher Jackson, Narayan Rai, Charlee K McLean, Maria Mananita S Hipolito, Flora Terrell Hamilton, Suad Kapetanovic and Evaristus A Nwulia
Communication courtoise
Rakesh Kumar