article de recherche
Rene Andrade Machado, Edgar Bladimir Romero, Adriana Maria Goicoechea Astencio, Aisel Santos Santos, Vanessa Benjumea Cuartas and Marlene Maya Lopez
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Gianna Casini, Mary Yurashevich, Rohini Vanga, Subasini Dash, Suhayl Dhib-Jalbut, Brian Gerhardstein, Matilde Inglese, Win Toe and Konstantin E Balashov
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Moretti DV, Paternico D, Binetti G, Zanetti O and Frisoni GB
Article de révision
John K. Grandy
Article de révision
Atsushi Araki and Hideki Ito
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Paul A Lapchak, Sarina Doyan, Xiaomin Fan and Catherine M Woods
Rapport de cas
Ichiro Deguchi, Takeshi Hayashi, Manabu Nemoto and Norio Tanahashi