Journal de neurologie et neurophysiologie

ISSN - 2155-9562

Volume 5, Problème 5 (2014)

article de recherche

Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index and Pulse Wave Velocity as Markers of White Matter Hyperintensities and Cognitive Impairment

Yong S Shim, Bora Yoon, Yun Jeong Hong, A-Hyun Cho, Dong Suk Shim, Hae Eun Shin and Dong Won Yang

article de recherche

CSF and Neuropsychological Correlates of Visual Hallucination in Dementia with Lewy Bodies

William T Hu, Manuel Hazim, Chadwick M Hales, James L Lah and Allan I Levey

Article de révision

Role of LDL Cholesterol and Endolysosomes in Amyloidogenesis and Alzheimer

Xuesong Chen, Liang Hui and Jonathan D Geiger

article de recherche

Modulation Effects of Piracetam and Ginkgo Biloba on the Cognitive and Working Memory Functions: Psychometric Study

Hayder M Alkuraishy, Ali I Algareeb, Ali K Albuhadilly and Basim M Almgoter

Rapport de cas

A Novel Mutation in the SCN4A Gene in a Japanese Family with Paramyotonia Congenita

Satoru Takahashi, Shiho Yamamoto, Ryosuke Tanaka, Akie Okayama, Akiko Araki, Hiroki Kajino and Hiroshi Azuma

article de recherche

Neurotoxic Effects of Elevated CSF Aspartic and Glutamic Acids in Cerebral Malarial Patients

Saira Baloch, Ashok Kumar, Bikha Ram Devrajani and Mohsin Ali Baloch

article de recherche

The Impact of Physiological Features on External Anal Sphincter Electromyography

Lei Zhao, Hua Du, Benhong Li, Shuang Wu, Nan Lin and Liying Cui

Article de révision

Reasons for Aripiprazole Discontinuation in Schizophrenia - A Retrospective

Aurelie Millier, Benjamin Briquet, Nadia Georges, Venkatesha Murthy and Mondher Toumi

Article de révision

Stigma of Epilepsy among Patients and their Relatives Attending Charity Clinic, Omdurman-Sudan, June, 2012

Mohamed A Taha, Siham Ahmed Balla, Abbashar M Hussien and Mohamed D Dafaalla

article de recherche

Cognitive Performance Deficits and Dysgraphia in Alzheimer

Emanuela Onofri, Marco Mercuri, MariaLucia Salesi, Max Rapp Ricciardi, Trevor Archer and Serafino Ricci